The following teams attended the Balancing Nature and Commerce Workshop, held at Allenberry in April, and prepared action plans available in the links to the right.
Boiling Springs/ GOAL: Enhancing the village as a destination hub and as a wonderful community to live in by enhancing and promoting the community's assets. (Team leader: Eric Edstrom, Boiling Springs Civic Association)
• form a steering committee to guide placement of 5 to 7 signs explaining historic, natural, and recreational assets in the community
• seek other stakeholders
• engage a consultant to develop content, design the theme, and select sites
• engage key property owners
• install first signs for commemoration of South Middleton’s 200th anniversary
• Identify and evaluate options for the
• Form a coalition to oversee the sites’ development and interpretation
• Implement selected option for the wall
• Site survey and inventory of
• Inventory partners and products to begin creating a brand
• Get buy-in from associations and municipalities
• Apply for a mini-grant
• Research and collect data
• Form materials and establish goals
• Meet with
• Reconvene to assess meetings and research
• Brand development and creation of a Strategic Plan
• Launch Adam’s
Enhancing Trail Opportunities in South Mountain / GOAL: Partnering with
• Host an annual meeting among trail user groups to determine trail needs and potential user groups to help coordinate trail maintenance within
• Host one day workshops throughout the South Mountain Region (spring, summer, fall) to train volunteers (focused on organized groups) on group organization, trail maintenance, and trail development.
• Establish a network of volunteers to develop, manage, and maintain Michaux State Forest Trail System
• Complete maintenance projects on existing trails within
• Establish a steering committee
• Form a business plan and acquire financing
• Audit 2011 Labor Day Event
• Preservation, Development and education of the Monterey Pass Battlefield
• Interconnection of
• Signage, ads, brochures, coloring books to promote tourism
• Acquire adjacent properties for preservation
• Develop interpretive center for Battlefield and Meadow
• Develop educational programs and living history
• Develop trails for interconnectivity of facilities/features