Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Workshop Teams Establish Action Plans

The following teams attended the Balancing Nature and Commerce Workshop, held at Allenberry in April, and prepared action plans available in the links to the right.

Boiling Springs/ GOAL: Enhancing the village as a destination hub and as a wonderful community to live in by enhancing and promoting the community's assets. (Team leader: Eric Edstrom, Boiling Springs Civic Association)

form a steering committee to guide placement of 5 to 7 signs explaining historic, natural, and recreational assets in the community

seek other stakeholders

engage a consultant to develop content, design the theme, and select sites

engage key property owners

install first signs for commemoration of South Middleton’s 200th anniversary

Camp Michaux / GOAL: To bring several stakeholders to the table to promote, preserve, and interpret an important historic site that served as both a WWII POW Camp and as a CCC Camp. (Team leader: Larry Luxenburg, AT Museum)

Identify and evaluate options for the Gardner’s Barn wall

Form a coalition to oversee the sites’ development and interpretation

Implement selected option for the wall

Site survey and inventory of Camp Michaux

Adams County Fruit Belt / GOAL: Maintaining viability through promotion of the fruit belt and collaboration with the business and environmental community. (Team leader: Bicky Redman, Adams County Environmental Services)

Inventory partners and products to begin creating a brand

Get buy-in from associations and municipalities

Apply for a mini-grant

Research and collect data

Form materials and establish goals

Meet with Cumberland County ag group

Reconvene to assess meetings and research

Brand development and creation of a Strategic Plan

Launch Adam’s County fruitbelt brand

Enhancing Trail Opportunities in South Mountain / GOAL: Partnering with Michaux State Forest, volunteers, and others to improve the mountain's trail network. (Team leader: Nate Smith, Healthy Adams Bicycle / Pedestrian, Inc.)

Host an annual meeting among trail user groups to determine trail needs and potential user groups to help coordinate trail maintenance within Michaux State Forest in order to develop a master site plan

Host one day workshops throughout the South Mountain Region (spring, summer, fall) to train volunteers (focused on organized groups) on group organization, trail maintenance, and trail development.

Establish a network of volunteers to develop, manage, and maintain Michaux State Forest Trail System

Complete maintenance projects on existing trails within Michaux State Forest

The Annual South Mountain Hike-Bike Festival / GOAL: Develop a festival that will serve to enhance and link important economic, recreational, cultural, and natural assets on an annual basis. (Team leader: Larry Knutson, Penn Trails LLC)

Establish a steering committee

Form a business plan and acquire financing

Audit 2011 Labor Day Event

The Battle of Monterey / GOAL: Preserving an interpreting an important Civil War site in Franklin County. (Team leader: Michael Christopher, Washington Township Manager)

Preservation, Development and education of the Monterey Pass Battlefield

Interconnection of Michaux Forest, Appalachian Trail, Happel's Meadow, Monterey Pass, Pine Hill and other recreation and historical sites

Signage, ads, brochures, coloring books to promote tourism

Acquire adjacent properties for preservation

Develop interpretive center for Battlefield and Meadow

Develop educational programs and living history

Develop trails for interconnectivity of facilities/features

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